Theileriosis is a protozoan disease of cattle and buffalo and caused byTheileria annulata in india and Theileria parva in eastern countries like Africa.In india disease is known as Bovine tropical theileriosis and transmitted by host Ixodid ticks of genous Hyalomma.In East African disease is known as East cost fever and is transmitted by tickRhipicephalus appendiculatus


corneal opacity

  • Enlargement of superficial lymph nodes.
  • High rise in body temperature about 104-105 °F.
  • Increase in heart and respiration rates.
  • laboured breathing.
  • serous nasal discharge.
  • coughing,restlessness,rough coat,anorexia.
  • Petechial haemorrhage on conjunctiva.
  • depression,latar stage anaemia,high colour urine.
  • bilirubinurea and jaundice.

    • By sign and symptoms.
    • Blood smear examination under microscope after proper staining of blood smear.
    • lymph node biopsy.
    Morphological characteristics
    • The Erythrocytic piroplasm stage occur as round,oval,ring,rod and comma forms.
    • The parasite in the RBC staines blue cytoplasm with red or purple nucleus at one end
    • The Schizogonic stage occur in lymphocyte,lymphoblasts and other reticuloendothelial cells of lymph nodes and spleen and are known as "KOCH'S BLUE BODIES".

    • Buparvaquone choice of drug use @7.5mg/kg body wt.single dose.
    • Oxytetracycline@10mg/kg body wt.
    • Antipyretic like Paracetamol@10mg/kg body wt.
    • Haematinics like iron preparations repeat alternate day.
    • Antihistaminics like Pheniramine meleate@7-8mg/kg body wt.
    • Ruminotorics like bolus rumentas etc.
    • liver tonics like liq liv52 etc
    • Vaccine RAKSHAVAC T@3ml S/C.at 3 year of age.


  • Tick control by repeated dipping.

    • Quarantine measures.
    • Immunization
      • Virulent field strain passaged in vitro
      • Schizont culture- Calf innoculated from cell culture withstood homologous strain.
      • Now in India RAKSHAVAC -T
      • Young calves vaccinated with attenuated schizonts, 2 months later, tick stabilates given.
    • Infection and treatment method
      • By infecting calves with infected ticks or tick stabilates (GUTTs) and administering Chlortetracyclines at 16 mg/kg B.Wt for 8 days prevents severe reaction, but allows resistance to homologous strain.
      • Acaricide and tick control.

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