This is a typical case of THEILERIOSIS.

how to diagnosed this disease-

1-history of tick infestation,high fever,swelling of superficial lymph nodes mainly subscapular..

2-By blood examination-you find-
                How to make blood smear click here video
  • The parasite in the RBC staines blue cytoplasm with red or purple nucleus at one end.

  • The Erythrocytic piroplasm stage occur as round,oval,ring,rod and comma forms.

  • The Schizogonic stage occur in lymphocyte,lymphoblasts and other reticuloendothelial cells of lymph nodes and spleen and are known as "KOCH'S BLUE BODIES".


  • Buparvaquone choice of drug use @7.5mg/kg body wt.single dose.

  • Oxytetracycline@10mg/kg body wt.i/v with fluid.

  • Antipyretic like Paracetamol@10mg/kg body wt.
  • Haematinics like iron preparations repeat alternate day.
  • Antihistaminics like Pheniramine meleate@7-8mg/kg body wt.
  • Ruminotorics like bolus rumentas etc.
  • liver tonics like liq liv52 etc
  • Prevention by-Vaccine RAKSHAVAC T@3ml S/C.at 3 year of age.

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